Hans Bellmer

I have previously researched Hans Bellmer for my work as he was a main influence in my second year project and throughout the second chapter of my dissertation.

I am particularly looking at his drawings as they are inspired by the human body and the base of his work. Although his drawings are based upon the body, they are abstract and recognisable forms, creating a new interesting form.

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These forms create a disturbed alien feel towards the body. I find his drawings enticing as they aren’t images of the regular body. I like the abstraction in his work, as I do in mine, but I think I will be experimenting with all my drawings and drawing abilities whether or not I will keep them abstract or obviously human.


To keep up my progression within this topic I have gotten back into drawing. I have found that the more I draw and experiment I become more involved and enjoy working with my body more.

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The next set of drawings are abstract but are based upon the creases in the skin. They are quite odd and don’t look like what they are drawn from which I find keeps happening within my work.

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Mini Photoshoot

I wanted photographs to work with and from so I got one of my friends to take photographs for me. It was incredibly awkward at first as I was very conscious about the fact that I was completely naked in front of one of my friends.

I used to images to create collages and drew around them to make these abstract forms. I don’t mind that they are not recognisable to the body but after a few tutorials with different tutors, who both agreed that the body being recognisable is more powerful for my work. I didn’t experiment much last term and have found that with this new project, I have begun to relax and enjoy my work more.

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I don’t particularly like using colour in my work, but as I am experimenting I thought I may as well try with colour. I don’t like them but today, I thought that I could use the colours to express my feelings on areas of my body i.e. blue is a cold colour therefore will be used on an area of my body I do not like. This does not reference the image below.

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Number Fifty Six


I really like this one, I spent about 20 mins doing it which I never do! I quite like the effect the rain gave the image.

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Shadows of the seaweed from the beach overlapping each other

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Watercolour painted with a pebble and my finger, rubbed in with wet sand.

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I visited Penarth for a drawing day. I’m not a fan of drawing landscapes and I always think that the drawings I do aren’t great. I would like to do a colour drawing of the main pen landscape using tracing paper over the original.

Number Fifty Five

Surprisingly looking forward to start writing my dissertation after receiving my feedback for my tutorial – I passed (yay!)

As well as writing my dissertation (mostly over the summer) I am going to research as much as I can about the human body/female form within theory and practical work. I made a constantine sketchbook and filled it up with sketches of the female form.

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I am currently trying to finish my ‘limb’ sculptures before I go home so I feel as if I have actually done a final piece for my Field project.