Body Prints 2

As I have previously said, I wanted to do a bigger body print in colour.

I chose a position where different areas of my body could be printed. This was quite easy to think about when I wasn’t covered in paint and rolling around my floor. Once I got the paint on, which I found hard to keep the colours as they were without accidentally mixing the colours up and making sure they stayed wet and didn’t dry too much before I printed myself, getting into the position was difficult without printing an area when I wasn’t in position. This did happen and I didn’t get all areas printed that I wanted to but I was expecting something to disagree with my plan. 10991682_10155291452545578_1647487735260543510_o

I find the bottom of the print where my legs are, is very messy. Too many legs without knowing what they are or where they should be. It has made me realise how my stomach is hidden by my breasts and thighs in this position. I wanted my belly to more present in this – mostly because it’s solid blue, my most disliked area of my body.

I tried another position – actually two on one sheet. I don’t like this as much – I got paint all over it before I even printed myself so it’s even more messy than the one above.


Overall I prefer the black and white body prints I did, but it was fun to experiment with colour and on a larger scale. Similarly, it was not fun scrubbing it off – covered my shower in dried paint.

(Selfie with paint all over my face and hair. Managed to get some in my mouth too.)


Einhard Zang

While researching artists who work with bodies within printing, I discovered Einhard Zang, a German artist who creates works of art using body prints. He is interested in mixed media, collage, body printing and lithography.

He tries to give the anthropometric symbolism visualised by Yves Klein another dimension. He believes that the model and portrayal are separated and belong together only through artistic communication. These relationships change in the body prints.

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“The individuality and personality of the model play an important role in further processing of the original print. I like to place special emphasis on the experimental character of the work.”

I like that he creates pieces centred around a shape that is changeable. Although it is clear that his work is based upon the body, some pieces are not obviously figure like. I feel that if he didn’t form the body through drawing, the abstraction of the print would be clearer. This could then be used as a different model form.