Leigh Bowery

I was suggested to research into Leigh Bowery due to his extensive and outrageous view on art and fashion. A performance artist, he represented someone who didn’t accept the rules of behaviour and appearance with a vision of art that testified a closeness to transgenders and overcoming of distinction between male and female.

He proposed codes of seduction through bodies and clothes, creating new concepts of glamour and beauty.

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The concept of body transformation was apparent in his work and has inspired the world around him. His ideas of style have been shared by many including Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Boy George, Lucian Freud and Lady Gaga.

I feel that the use of costumes have helped manipulate his figure as he expresses himself through fashion. He took risks within his work, defying standards of fashion and beauty.

I have been thinking about experimenting with items of clothing or different materials to accentuate the areas of my body that I dislike. This may lead me to learning to love my body or at least to see it i a different way, a non-ugly way.

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